目前所在: 天河區(qū) 年齡: 23
戶口所在: 汕頭 國籍: 中國
婚姻狀況: 未婚 民族: 漢族
誠信徽章: 未申請 身高: 170 cm
人才測評: 未測評 體重: 60 kg
◆ 求職意向
人才類型: 應屆畢業(yè)生
應聘職位: 網(wǎng)頁設計/制作/美工/ui
工作年限: 0 職稱:
求職類型: 實習 可到職日期: 隨時
月薪要求: 面議 希望工作地區(qū): 天河區(qū),海珠區(qū),白云區(qū)
◆ 工作經歷
◆ 志愿者經歷
◆ 教育背景
畢業(yè)院校: 廣東科學技術職業(yè)學院
最高學歷: 大專獲得學位: 畢業(yè)日期: 2015-06
專 業(yè) 一: 計算機應用技術 專 業(yè) 二:
起始年月 終止年月 學校(機構) 所學專業(yè) 獲得證書 證書編號
◆ 語言能力
外語: 英語一般 粵語水平: 良好
其它外語能力: 閩南語良好
國語水平: 優(yōu)秀
◆ 工作能力及其他專長
使用dreamweaver進行網(wǎng)頁設計,photoshop處理圖片和熟練辦公軟件,信息源:深圳電商招聘網(wǎng)_www.sz.job003.cn_雄鷹標志略懂用visual c#、sql server、2.0(c#)和.net framework 2.0做項目
◆ 個人自傳
mr.peter hayek
654, plains borough
east hanover, nj-94342
phone: 034-234-9342
to seek a position of a web designer in a company where my skills and abilities will be used and nurtured.
copley web designers, boston ma xx - present
web designer
responsible for the design and development of internet, intranet, web sites and web applications through the use of macromedia dream weaver, front page and adobe photo shop 5.0.
developed page layout, navigation, copy, animation, buttons and icons.
presented designs and concepts to clients and the management for review.
installed shopping carts, automatic response mailers and online forms.
assisted help desk staff in streamlining the process.
brighton web design studio, boston ma 1998 - xx
web designer
responsible for the design of client websites right from conceptualization stage to its implementation.
worked with digital graphical design tools including adobe photoshop, fireworks, flash and illustrator.
created animations using flash for an on-line multimedia store.
responsible for web hosting and the installation of e-mail and forms.
developed access database and web interface suitable for client needs.
perform the validation and testing of the finished web sites.
education:massachusetts institute of technology (mit)
boston ma
1994 - 1998
bs in computer science
technical skills:
windows 95/98/xx ms dos
java html
javascript shell
visual basic 4.0 microm rbase
macromedia dream weaver fireworks
adobe photoshop ms access信息源:深圳電商招聘網(wǎng)_www.sz.job003.cn_雄鷹標志
microsoft front page oracle
corel paradox visual c++
adobe photo mill
additional information:
in my spare time i enjoy athletics and have participated in both the boston and new york marathons. i also enjoy reading and traveling to different places.